Details of new artwork pleiades #art #artist #PatriciaAriane #artwork #painting #canvas #brazilianartist #brazilianart #contemporaryart...
Street Mural in Santo Amaro neighbourhood
Picture by teacher Mari. #artebrasileira #muralismo #artistabrasileira #femaleartist #artwork #BrazilianArtist #wallpanting #artista...
The day I started painting a mural
And ended up painting the whole house. #femaleartist #artistabrasileira #artwork #LATEXONWALL #muralismo #BrazilianArtist #artista...
Minha participação na exposição Capas do Brasil
Libertar a expressão, um antídoto contra a barbárie Com o seu dedo em riste separando o “nós” do “eles”, o fascismo materializou e...
2o Festival de Pintura da Unesp
Minha participação no 2o Festival de Pintura da Unesp. #Unesp #PatiPati #contemporaryart #femaleartist #WomanBrazilianArtist #womanartist...
XXXVI Salão de Artes Plásticas de Rio Claro 2018
Salão de Artes Plásticas de Rio Claro tem 127 artistas inscritos O 36º Salão de Artes Plásticas de Rio Claro (Saplarc), promovido pela...
Exhibition at Ação Educativa
It happened at Ação Educativa a group exhibition, which I participated, on March 27th to celebrate Graffiti day. I was invited by Julio...
Group Exhibiton at Galeria 540
The group exhibition was very fun and inspiring! I am so happy! Thanks my dearest people that showed up and Rafael Gushken for being my...
Group Exhibition
Canvas for a group exhibition that I will participate on June 25th at Galeria 540, at Rua Mourato Coelho, 540, Vila Madalena, São Paulo....
My very first interview for the galley Alpha'a blog <3 sorry but its in portuguese :P #interview #Patipati...