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Culture is one of the elements that underpin people's socialization, the moral and intellectual formation of individuals.

The formation of personality is associated with the acquisition of culture.

Knowledge, morals and social behavior are related to culture: they are supported by it.

Culture is directly related to the generation of knowledge and the exercise of thought, which are essential values for the development of society.

Thus, culture is important in the personal, moral and intellectual formation of the individual and in the development of his/her ability to relate to others.



Art. 1° The National Culture Support Program (Pronac) is hereby established, with the purpose of capturing and channeling resources to the sector in order to:

I - contribute to facilitating, for all, the means for free access to sources of culture and the full exercise of cultural rights;

II - promote and encourage the regionalization of Brazilian cultural and artistic production, valuing human resources and local content;

III - support, value and disseminate all cultural manifestations and their respective creators;

IV - protect the cultural expressions of the groups that make up Brazilian society and are responsible for the pluralism of national culture;

V - safeguard the survival and flourishing of Brazilian society's ways of creating, doing and living;

VI - preserve the material and immaterial assets of Brazilian cultural and historical heritage;

VIII - stimulate the production and dissemination of cultural goods of universal value, which form and inform knowledge, culture and memory;

IX - prioritize cultural products originating from the country.

Art. 3° In order to fulfill the purposes expressed in art. 1° of this law, the cultural projects in favor of which Pronac resources will be captured and channeled must meet at least one of the following objectives:

II - promotion of cultural and artistic production, through:

a) production of records, videos, films and other forms of phonovideographic reproduction of a cultural nature;

c) holding exhibitions, art festivals, performing arts, music and folklore shows;

d) coverage of expenses for the transportation and insurance of objects of cultural value intended for public exhibitions in the country and abroad;

e) holding exhibitions, art festivals and performing arts or similar shows;




General Objective


To foster the local art scene, promote and disseminate the various manifestations of contemporary visual arts, promote research in visual arts, and bring the fruits of this research in the artistic field to art lovers. We seek to democratize access to exhibitions by offering them free of charge to visitors and offering the public, artists and scholars elements to learn about and participate in the production of Brazilian artists.

SOUNDCOLOR MUSIC & ARTS proposes the holding of an art festival to be held at the Pivô Arte e Pesquisa Gallery in São Paulo, on the date of December 05th 2025.


Specific Objective


SOUNDCOLOR is proposing to hold an art festival in the capital city of São Paulo. The festival includes the art exhibition "Astros Luminosos", developed by the creator. In the exhibition, the multi-artist proposes to install 11 works of art at the Pivô Arte e Pesquisa Gallery, and simultaneously hold a music festival with the participation of national and international artists.

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